Thursday, October 13, 2011

What's On My Mind

This is just what's on my mind, profound isn't going to be among anything that you find but that's fine, I barely listen to myself most of the time but every once in a while out comes a rhyme, whether it gets read or not isn't my concern, but just once I hope it can nourish like a freshly opened Lucerne. If just once I can change a mind then it was all worth it, I try to make it clear this isn't just the blind leading the blind. It's a rhyme that I like to think is a different kind, something from somebody who isn't concerned about getting signed. It's a lyrical deliverance from all the rest, despite all efforts it probably won't be the best, but it's from the heart, something that has to be clear from the start. If it's not than it's no different from the clutter, the stuff that leads you right into the gutter. You don't have to start at the bottom to get to the top but you don't have the end up there once the music stops, and the bottom drops out from under you like a cheaply made prop. Something to consider while you toss blame and get bitter. Revolution is a state of mind and what you look for is what you'll find. It's not about the weapon but the intent the effort put forth is what pays the rent. What I'm saying is it's all about what you bring to the table, not what you have but what you desire decides the outcome available. It all comes down to you, attitude is what sets the mood. Decide what you want and stick to it, eventually if it's right all the pieces will fit. I've got my mind on my moment and my moment that defines; predestined and ordained with intelligent design. This is what's on my mind.

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