Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Remember Me

It was night, the darkest place in my plight. This wasn't what I had come for; my body was beaten, bruised and sore. I tried to think of a way out. Every thought was shot down with a fear or a doubt. I was locked up and bound inside this prison in my own mind where confusion abounds and all those who tried to help, it would confound. But I knew I had once been found and last time all I had to do was yell out loud, so;

I'm broken and beaten; restore me.
I'm battered and blind; rescue me.
My heart is shattered to pieces; remember me.
This is what I am; nothing without the pure blood of the lamb.

It was morning; the sun had risen without warning. The sun rising on the horizon. This is where I knew everything would be all right. I couldn't even remember my last plight the future looked so bright. Nothing stopping me from reaching my desires, it was all I could think about; burning inside me like a fire. I forgot from where I came; it wasn't long before I had a brand new shipment of shame. I couldn't figure it out, the future looked so bright and now it had all but burned out. Then I remembered;

I'm broken and beaten; restore me.
I'm battered and blind; rescue me.
My heart is shattered to pieces; remember me.
This is what I am; nothing without the pure blood of the lamb.

It was dusk, the light was fading, my life felt like a sketch without the shading; empty as it gets like a guitar without the frets. This couldn't be it, there must be something I can remit. I couldn't just watch the last bit of light in my life dim; beyond that the future looked pretty grim. Why couldn't my life have a balance, apparently I couldn't just rely on my talents. I was caught in this cycle of life, ranging from joy to strife. If this was how it was, why couldn't I just be glad; even through the good and bad. I had left out one very important factor; I had been living my life in the hands of a captor. To be released I needed something more, there was something in life I need to adore. In the happiness and sadness, the joyful and the hurtful. So once more;

I'm broken and beaten; restore me.
I'm battered and blind; rescue me.
My heart is shattered to pieces; remember me.
This is what I am; nothing without the pure blood of the lamb.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

One Last Time

My heart’s beatin outta my chest, I can feel the pain, I can hear the cry, but I can’t make it stop. I need salvation from this haunting manipulation, I need to lie down, need some rest. Even though I'm the best in the west with no contest there will always be competition, someone trying to knock you off the top spot, but it’s okay because you can’t stay hot forever. Never say never just remember the good times as they go and try to forget that bad ones as they come. The U.S. might be in debt, but that doesn’t mean we all have to give up and fret because of all the bad decisions made in greed. It’s the mean green monster named greed that creates a world of full of pain and hurt that never seems to learn from all the red liquid we bleed. It’s the blood from the young guns fighting the wars across the world that have been shed mostly in vein. The Bible says write the vision, make it plain. Lord we ask you, speak to the leaders let them know you reign! In wisdom and in love you reign, so we ask you… would you send the rain. Let it fall upon the earth one last time before the free reign.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Another Hallelujah at Midnight

He's tried so hard to tell her it's alright, but that little girl knows there's no end in sight.
He can't lie to her anymore; he doesn't even know what's in store.
He tucks her in and kisses her forehead, all the while wondering if she'd be better off with her mother instead.
Just another day in the life of a man who's lost it all; it's been like this since long before last fall.
How does he cope, how does he live this life without even the slightest bit of hope.

It's just another prayer in the night, another hallelujah at midnight.
One more tear in a silent prayer, another praise when the world doesn't care.
It's another life in the hands of love; given strength through grace from above.
It's another hallelujah at midnight.

Another day and another empty stomach; It's another struggle and one more bad check.
The kids ask why and it's all she can do to not cry, she knows she has to get up in the morning and try.
It's not for her it's all for them, she can deal with the disapproving looks that seem to condemn.
She always wanted them to go to college; if she can't even give them food how can she give them knowledge.
She has to keep going and it's always tough, but sometimes when she wonders if she has enough;

It's just another prayer in the night, another hallelujah at midnight.
One more tear in a silent prayer, another praise when the world doesn't care.
It's another life in the hands of love; given strength through grace from above.
It's another hallelujah at midnight.

He gets up in the morning and heads to work, sometimes it seems like in life there is no perk.
Then he remembers his family, and that brings a smile to his face naturally.
Sometimes it tends to be a grind but all in all he really doesn't mind.
The house is threatening to be taken and that wreck last week still has him a little shaken.
He hasn't gotten to rest in a while but even through all that he can still smile.

It's just another prayer in the night, another hallelujah at midnight.
One more tear in a silent prayer, another praise when the world doesn't care.
It's another life in the hands of love; given strength through grace from above.
It's another hallelujah at midnight.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Sometimes you just can't sleep when your mind gets going, you open up your heart and the words start flowing. Once you've got the passion going it's like a fire, burning up all self-pity and desire. This is how the movement starts, once you realize your generation is falling apart. This can't be acceptable, somebody must be held accountable. It's my generation that has the call, we have to be the ones to change it all. Yet here we stand a generation of statistics, the product of a few men's analytics. We're expected to fail and told we'll quit, that we owe a debt already that we can't remit. This comes from those who sold my generation for some here and now; without remediation. We're no longer individuals, we're a mass market, the largest mass media target. Yet they won't even let us take our own blame, it's something we have to realize if we're to remain. In a world where rebellion is regarded as the norm we have to start a revolution of a new form. It won't start loud and it won't start large, just a few here and there standing up and taking charge. Something like this is volatile, it won't fit with the in style. It's a movement that will be heard, you can't squelch the sound of the word. This isn't just being different, that's what made you want to make a difference. This is being different out loud, amidst the people and crowds. This is a revolution.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Words of Wisdom

Despite what you may have heard;  there really is nothing more powerful than a word. Tongues have killed millions, thousands of innocent civilians. A loose tongue can start a war, while the silver can open any closed door. Watch what you say, it may not be you that has to pay. Words can break chains and start a lifetime struggle of aches and pains. Getting stabbed in the back may make no sound, but it was a friendly tongue that made you turn around. Through the mouth has come every proclamation of man, it wasn't that long ago we heard united we stand. The power of words fades when we no longer recall, We forget that divided; we fall. Never stifle your lips, but you have to stop shooting from the hip. Say what you mean and for what you mean; pay. Never offer more than what you possess, empty promises only make a mess. Speak loud and for your beliefs be proud, never speak your secrets in the midst of a crowd. Read the words of the past and remember, they already spoke, it will be you who speaks last. Make your words count, it's up to you for what they amount.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Oh Simplicity

Oh, where did the simple life go, there once was a time when life was slow. Now, time is money and the flavor of life has gotten a bit funny. You can run but you can't hide; you have to pick a side. The cool country stream has lost it's gleam and the men in power are more than just old and sour. The concrete and steel scrape the sky in a place once seen as pure and surreal. 

Oh, where did the simple life go, where time was life; now both have a copyright. We once pushed the boundaries of persistence, now it's the limits of human existence. We loved our country and it's story; now it could all be gone in a blaze without glory. We seek our own answers and the truth is treated like a cancer.

The simple life is gone, somewhere along the line something went wrong. Simplicity is no more and the world is closing time's door. Millions die and mothers cry as leaders continue to lie. Simplicity was replaced with complexity and compassion with self-pity. Oh, would you look at the condition; it all started with a lack of submission. This is our generation, chosen; with the masses in fear completely frozen. Open your eyes and hear these cries, there are still a few looking to the skies.