Friday, June 3, 2011

Say a Prayer

What are you running from, you sit there in the dirt when you could have a kingdom. How did you get here,  Somewhere along the line it was all speed and you forgot to steer. Your life isn’t finished yet, your just flinching at every fear and fret. Life has you shell-shocked, one too many close calls has your life dead-locked. It looks hopeless, or it least it might if you weren’t also sightless. But through all that you can still say a prayer, getting on your knees isn’t an issue, your already there. Close your eyes and speak his name, I promise you things will never be the same. It’s okay to be sincere, your no longer vunerable here. Just close your eyes and accept his light, once your eyes open you’ll also have your sight.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Decisions. Time. Life.

           Random thought. Some people say I’m real, and some say I'm reinventing the wheel ;) haa, but enough of the non-sense let me tell u just how I feel. I’m __yrs old and if I played poker I would never fold, u can’t believe everything you’ve been told because when it comes down to it you blew it! you look back at your life wonderin why Oh why did I make that mistake and why did I act so fake, I only brought the punishment upon myself with my inconsistent desire to achieve the greatness I never attained, but instead I was lazy as I walked through this journey all foggy and hazy tryin to figure out where I’m gonna be when I’m eighty! The truth is you can’t figure out life; you’ll never be perfect and I guarantee you will never be satisfied with the uneducated decisions you’ve made throughout your humble existence. You want to make a difference? All you can do is focus on the now! It’s the present moment, this very second, that really matters. It’s the small tiny pixels that make up the huge screen that you look at, it’s the milliseconds that make up the seconds, and the seconds that make up the minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, century’s, and millenniums. It’s the small seemingly insignificant choices you make every second of every day that will begin to create you, and shape the life you lead. Eat junk food for a day; you will add a few extra unhealthy calories to your body. Eat junk food for a month you’ll gain 5lbs, eat it for a year you’ll gain 30lbs, for 5 years you’ll gain 150lbs! (Depending on exercise habits lol) Then when your 35 years old you look back at a picture of you when you where 21 and say “WOW I sure have gotten fat!”                   This example might be a little humorous, but the truth is we make too many simple choices everyday without even thinking about the consequences of our actions in the present or future. Think. Think. Think.
Think before you make any decision, how it will affect you and your life, and for that matter your friends and family. Figure out a goal and stay focused on it. Discipline. Focus. Determination. GOD.

Discipline Over Momentum

How do you feel when you blow off your ambition, are you fulfilled or do you feel like life is just a rendition. You’re just a big abstention; every prison is full of good intentions. You can’t look back at every time you tried, you never got enough momentum and it just died. Maybe momentum was just half the battle, you aren’t tired enough of just being another one of the cattle. Turn off the thinking you call rational; quit the phenomenon that’s gone international. Get your head out of the sand and realize this life of flavor has gone bland. This isn’t what you need, that’s not you talking, it’s greed. You can’t solve your problems by crying, it’s a process and it goes beyond trying. You put the goal out of your mind and before too long you’ll find a happiness of a different kind. It’s the stuff that makes life feel worthwhile; you’ll want life more than the latest style. Don’t look at your feet, hold your head tall, but don’t look too far, you’ll miss the brick wall. If you hit objection then you’re going in the right direction. Take life one day at a time, life isn’t a soap-box race, it’s a climb. Momentum was never your worry; throw yourself down a mountain and you’ll gain it in a hurry, your focus on discipline had become a bit blurry. It’s called endurance, and up on the mountain you won’t have much assurance. Condition your mind and don’t let yourself become blind. You’ll feel better with every inch you take, but don’t stop and rest, there’s a lot at stake. I know the rough edges can get old, but imagine this climb without a handhold. If it was smooth as glass it wouldn’t hurt so much, but how far could you get without a sense of touch. Just one final push, one final strain. It seems so pointless at times but think what you’ll gain. It all started with a thought, and look what it all brought. It opened up like a fountain, and now you’re climbing a mountain.