Wednesday, December 7, 2011

What You Do

God doesn't take retweets; everything you do has to be your own feats. It doesn't matter what others have done to you or said to you or said that you do, or for who or what they did too. This is all about what you actually do, not what who told who about you. Get past the lies and look inside. The situation gets a lot brighter when you turn off the lies and turn the light on, just keep playing the game and make sure you're not the pawn, destined to die because somebody saw it as a game, it can't be for fame or because of shame or self pity because you think you're lame. Even the king gets moved around, this is Jesus moving the pieces and you're not hell bound. Sing out with a new sound, every day break new ground. Fear God and love the Lord, carry his word like a shining sword. He will not forget you or forsake, he'll be right there when it's all you can take. At some point you'll have to trust him, jump off the boat and don't try to float, just go all the way under and come up again, just do it once to defeat the nature of men. Step up, stand out and change the norms, not just settling for reforms; make it brand new just like you. Lord, sometimes I have to do what I have to do, take my steps two by two and remember that everything I do, I do by you.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Look Up

She never thought she had to worry; live her life like there's a hurry. She's only nine and thanks to everybody's lies she's left spiritually blind. She's just a girl, with eyes that reflect the pain in the world. She's one in a generation, left looking for reconciliation. She shouldn't even be looking for answers yet but she already knows her life is a bad bet. Where do you turn when the world has turned to you, because they made a mess and left it all to you.

The young man who had a dream, woke up too late and lost his job. His child goes hungry tonight, a product of a world that told him it was alright. Just another dream stolen, while the world keeps on rollin'. He wanted to be a doctor, but he had to quit school in tenth grade, now his dreams have begun to fade. His vision is blurry, every day in life is just another worry. It's either pay the rent or pitch a tent in December, when was life good, he doesn't remember.

It's a vision of the future, for which we all had to pay. Another man drunk, in the middle of the day. It's just how things go, or so they say; this man was only 16 when his dad went away, it's only two years later with another one on the way. They say this is a lost cause, but devil hold your applause. One just gave up the drugs, and another one just found the love in a hug. This generation is seeing the light, it's no longer a slaughter it's a fight. Those looking for somebody to blame, they're no longer the same. For every sad story, shining still is God's glory. It's been a long hard night, but it's just about morning.

Monday, November 14, 2011

What's Ahead

The future never stays the same, it's always changing based on you, it's like lunch plans at half past two, they never work out and it's always on you. You can't choose your life, you decide how you use it, like a knife. Your future will soon become your past and how will it stack with what's already passed. This isn't Tetris, no second chance, life persists and the last thing you wanna do is resist. You decide what comes next, don't end up like a drunk with his fingertips; perplexed. Don't focus on what's so far ahead that the words on the signs can't even be read, try that on the road and you'll end up dead. Look at what's right in front of you, you'll miss the junction to route 52, the way that's so distinctly you.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Empty Living

You've been waiting on perfection, just have to change your perception. It's not about what you see but what you know that's the key. Not wanting to miss the boat yet wanting build your own not knowing if it'll float, it's a hopeless feeling that doesn't seem to end and eventually everything begins to blend and the double lives you started with turns into a tangled mess with a million frayed ends that you'll never be able to mend. On the one hand you don't know where to start with your ambitions, everything seems like more auditions and a million renditions of why it won't work. Restlessness is the result of running from a calling not the circumstance with which your always brawling. Everybody has dreams and everybody has something they're called to do, the emptiness comes when the two don't fit and you knew. Not everybody can follow a dream and pursue a calling, the ones who can't and try, those are the people you see crawling, always complaining about the constant falling. True fulfillment comes when your desire lines up with the will for your life, it'll keep you away from a life of pain rife with strife. Submitting now is better than waiting til later when it's fifteen years later and your still the same waiter, or worse, the empty glass still waiting to be filled.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

What's On My Mind

This is just what's on my mind, profound isn't going to be among anything that you find but that's fine, I barely listen to myself most of the time but every once in a while out comes a rhyme, whether it gets read or not isn't my concern, but just once I hope it can nourish like a freshly opened Lucerne. If just once I can change a mind then it was all worth it, I try to make it clear this isn't just the blind leading the blind. It's a rhyme that I like to think is a different kind, something from somebody who isn't concerned about getting signed. It's a lyrical deliverance from all the rest, despite all efforts it probably won't be the best, but it's from the heart, something that has to be clear from the start. If it's not than it's no different from the clutter, the stuff that leads you right into the gutter. You don't have to start at the bottom to get to the top but you don't have the end up there once the music stops, and the bottom drops out from under you like a cheaply made prop. Something to consider while you toss blame and get bitter. Revolution is a state of mind and what you look for is what you'll find. It's not about the weapon but the intent the effort put forth is what pays the rent. What I'm saying is it's all about what you bring to the table, not what you have but what you desire decides the outcome available. It all comes down to you, attitude is what sets the mood. Decide what you want and stick to it, eventually if it's right all the pieces will fit. I've got my mind on my moment and my moment that defines; predestined and ordained with intelligent design. This is what's on my mind.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

If I Should Die Before I Wake

It's human nature to want security; we want it more than purity. We want to know what the future holds, but since we can't, we want safety in case it comes time to fold. We want to sleep soundly, and when we wake, we want to solve our problems profoundly. It's easy to sit back and relax, confident in your salvation seeing no need to act. Complacency is a state of mind, it'll lead you right into the ties that bind every time. You seem confident on the outside, but on the inside are you really that sure, can you remember the last time you truly cried. In your complacency did you think even one time about the reason or rhyme that guides the steps that you take even when the tears you cry have become so fake. Now you put your head on your pillow and close your eyes, you say a prayer in hopes of covering your lies. Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, and this time you begin to weep. What have you done to keep it all fresh, when is the last time you fought back against your flesh. What if this is it, the last breathe you take before your heart decides to quit. There were still things you had to remit and the next thing you feel is emptiness. Your skin begins to burn and you cry out, Lord get me out of this empty drought, you scream it without any hint of doubt and suddenly you wake; I pray the Lord my soul to take.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Testify Once More

This isn't your first time around the block, not the first time you've been staring at a hard place with your back against a rock. You've taken a stand, testified and said that all can, but here you are once again, on the outside looking in. This isn't Deja Vu, you've done this before and the problem really is you. Your the success story with a million and one stories, but why wasn't the first time enough worry. Which one will be the testimony that kills you, how long before the testimony becomes a eulogy.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Theory of Revolution

There's something out there, past the sound of a muffled prayer. It's brewing somewhere in the midst of a group, it's the idea in some soldiers mind in the middle of a troupe. It's the words of a man who's lived his life, and warns his kids of the downward trend and strife. It's the silent tears of a young woman who's seen one too many leave. It's the mothers tears for her children wiped on her sleeve. It's the revelation that's long overdue, finally received. It's the final prayer of a father before his final breathe has been breathed. All it requires is the one who takes a stand, or a fresh breathe of air in a life gone bland. It's a sound that grows louder, every day growing in power. It's been said to exist yet in some peoples minds it's never going to happen and they resist. It's become a myth or at best a thing of the past that won't ever come at long last, been promised so many times and in so many lines. It's something so explosive yet we forget to check our motive and the purpose escapes us. This is something that won't remain hidden, it's something that will free the guilt-ridden and break the chains of those who have found themselves chained and those who needed something so badly that they remained, until they had given all they had or until it hurt so bad that they knew they need healing. This will give stability to those who find themselves reeling in a world that never sleeps and to the child when all she can do is weep. It will be justice for the wronged and acceptance for those who have never truly belonged. This is something that can not be ignored forever; it won't be something you can push off till whenever. If it isn't you, there will be somebody who stands up, there isn't time to waste, either take the mantle or pass the cup. It won't start as a force, at first it may only be you, even then stay real through and through. Rest assured that others will follow your example, your provision will always be more than ample. This is something much bigger than you, it can't be controlled, this is being right on time in the right place, meeting the right face, introducing mercy through grace, whatever the case. It's not just learning to lead, it's learning to follow, preventing the enemy from reaching those he may swallow. To many, it has become that thing we strive for but never attain, our desire to change the world while we let the cultural status remain. They say it's an illustration, but I don't read the margins, I skipped the Scott J. Jones annotation. This is something that grows inside the young minds of a generation, chosen; while the rest of the world stands frozen. Tell them it's impossible, too late; they're already redefining the word possible. They've heard about it and they know it's coming, the sound is growing from a humming, turning slowly into something undeniable, it has been tried, tested, and proven viable. It went from a thought in a mind to a movement of a different kind, a brand new state of mind. That, is the theory of Revolution.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Remember Me

It was night, the darkest place in my plight. This wasn't what I had come for; my body was beaten, bruised and sore. I tried to think of a way out. Every thought was shot down with a fear or a doubt. I was locked up and bound inside this prison in my own mind where confusion abounds and all those who tried to help, it would confound. But I knew I had once been found and last time all I had to do was yell out loud, so;

I'm broken and beaten; restore me.
I'm battered and blind; rescue me.
My heart is shattered to pieces; remember me.
This is what I am; nothing without the pure blood of the lamb.

It was morning; the sun had risen without warning. The sun rising on the horizon. This is where I knew everything would be all right. I couldn't even remember my last plight the future looked so bright. Nothing stopping me from reaching my desires, it was all I could think about; burning inside me like a fire. I forgot from where I came; it wasn't long before I had a brand new shipment of shame. I couldn't figure it out, the future looked so bright and now it had all but burned out. Then I remembered;

I'm broken and beaten; restore me.
I'm battered and blind; rescue me.
My heart is shattered to pieces; remember me.
This is what I am; nothing without the pure blood of the lamb.

It was dusk, the light was fading, my life felt like a sketch without the shading; empty as it gets like a guitar without the frets. This couldn't be it, there must be something I can remit. I couldn't just watch the last bit of light in my life dim; beyond that the future looked pretty grim. Why couldn't my life have a balance, apparently I couldn't just rely on my talents. I was caught in this cycle of life, ranging from joy to strife. If this was how it was, why couldn't I just be glad; even through the good and bad. I had left out one very important factor; I had been living my life in the hands of a captor. To be released I needed something more, there was something in life I need to adore. In the happiness and sadness, the joyful and the hurtful. So once more;

I'm broken and beaten; restore me.
I'm battered and blind; rescue me.
My heart is shattered to pieces; remember me.
This is what I am; nothing without the pure blood of the lamb.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

One Last Time

My heart’s beatin outta my chest, I can feel the pain, I can hear the cry, but I can’t make it stop. I need salvation from this haunting manipulation, I need to lie down, need some rest. Even though I'm the best in the west with no contest there will always be competition, someone trying to knock you off the top spot, but it’s okay because you can’t stay hot forever. Never say never just remember the good times as they go and try to forget that bad ones as they come. The U.S. might be in debt, but that doesn’t mean we all have to give up and fret because of all the bad decisions made in greed. It’s the mean green monster named greed that creates a world of full of pain and hurt that never seems to learn from all the red liquid we bleed. It’s the blood from the young guns fighting the wars across the world that have been shed mostly in vein. The Bible says write the vision, make it plain. Lord we ask you, speak to the leaders let them know you reign! In wisdom and in love you reign, so we ask you… would you send the rain. Let it fall upon the earth one last time before the free reign.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Another Hallelujah at Midnight

He's tried so hard to tell her it's alright, but that little girl knows there's no end in sight.
He can't lie to her anymore; he doesn't even know what's in store.
He tucks her in and kisses her forehead, all the while wondering if she'd be better off with her mother instead.
Just another day in the life of a man who's lost it all; it's been like this since long before last fall.
How does he cope, how does he live this life without even the slightest bit of hope.

It's just another prayer in the night, another hallelujah at midnight.
One more tear in a silent prayer, another praise when the world doesn't care.
It's another life in the hands of love; given strength through grace from above.
It's another hallelujah at midnight.

Another day and another empty stomach; It's another struggle and one more bad check.
The kids ask why and it's all she can do to not cry, she knows she has to get up in the morning and try.
It's not for her it's all for them, she can deal with the disapproving looks that seem to condemn.
She always wanted them to go to college; if she can't even give them food how can she give them knowledge.
She has to keep going and it's always tough, but sometimes when she wonders if she has enough;

It's just another prayer in the night, another hallelujah at midnight.
One more tear in a silent prayer, another praise when the world doesn't care.
It's another life in the hands of love; given strength through grace from above.
It's another hallelujah at midnight.

He gets up in the morning and heads to work, sometimes it seems like in life there is no perk.
Then he remembers his family, and that brings a smile to his face naturally.
Sometimes it tends to be a grind but all in all he really doesn't mind.
The house is threatening to be taken and that wreck last week still has him a little shaken.
He hasn't gotten to rest in a while but even through all that he can still smile.

It's just another prayer in the night, another hallelujah at midnight.
One more tear in a silent prayer, another praise when the world doesn't care.
It's another life in the hands of love; given strength through grace from above.
It's another hallelujah at midnight.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Sometimes you just can't sleep when your mind gets going, you open up your heart and the words start flowing. Once you've got the passion going it's like a fire, burning up all self-pity and desire. This is how the movement starts, once you realize your generation is falling apart. This can't be acceptable, somebody must be held accountable. It's my generation that has the call, we have to be the ones to change it all. Yet here we stand a generation of statistics, the product of a few men's analytics. We're expected to fail and told we'll quit, that we owe a debt already that we can't remit. This comes from those who sold my generation for some here and now; without remediation. We're no longer individuals, we're a mass market, the largest mass media target. Yet they won't even let us take our own blame, it's something we have to realize if we're to remain. In a world where rebellion is regarded as the norm we have to start a revolution of a new form. It won't start loud and it won't start large, just a few here and there standing up and taking charge. Something like this is volatile, it won't fit with the in style. It's a movement that will be heard, you can't squelch the sound of the word. This isn't just being different, that's what made you want to make a difference. This is being different out loud, amidst the people and crowds. This is a revolution.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Words of Wisdom

Despite what you may have heard;  there really is nothing more powerful than a word. Tongues have killed millions, thousands of innocent civilians. A loose tongue can start a war, while the silver can open any closed door. Watch what you say, it may not be you that has to pay. Words can break chains and start a lifetime struggle of aches and pains. Getting stabbed in the back may make no sound, but it was a friendly tongue that made you turn around. Through the mouth has come every proclamation of man, it wasn't that long ago we heard united we stand. The power of words fades when we no longer recall, We forget that divided; we fall. Never stifle your lips, but you have to stop shooting from the hip. Say what you mean and for what you mean; pay. Never offer more than what you possess, empty promises only make a mess. Speak loud and for your beliefs be proud, never speak your secrets in the midst of a crowd. Read the words of the past and remember, they already spoke, it will be you who speaks last. Make your words count, it's up to you for what they amount.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Oh Simplicity

Oh, where did the simple life go, there once was a time when life was slow. Now, time is money and the flavor of life has gotten a bit funny. You can run but you can't hide; you have to pick a side. The cool country stream has lost it's gleam and the men in power are more than just old and sour. The concrete and steel scrape the sky in a place once seen as pure and surreal. 

Oh, where did the simple life go, where time was life; now both have a copyright. We once pushed the boundaries of persistence, now it's the limits of human existence. We loved our country and it's story; now it could all be gone in a blaze without glory. We seek our own answers and the truth is treated like a cancer.

The simple life is gone, somewhere along the line something went wrong. Simplicity is no more and the world is closing time's door. Millions die and mothers cry as leaders continue to lie. Simplicity was replaced with complexity and compassion with self-pity. Oh, would you look at the condition; it all started with a lack of submission. This is our generation, chosen; with the masses in fear completely frozen. Open your eyes and hear these cries, there are still a few looking to the skies. 

Sunday, July 10, 2011


This is insanity. Some days you just can't express yourself through writing, every thought in your head just seems to be fighting and everything seems to be working against you, even the lighting. When one idea hits your mind another one comes from the other side and when the two collide, all that's left are the scraps of what could have been the next thing people hear when they remove their caps. No words work and nothing rhymes with rhyme, that's when you realize your running out of time. You throw some words together and hope it flows, you don't think it'll be much more than prose. You read back through it and suddenly you have something much more valuable than just another four verse hook with the right amount of syllables. At first it seems to ramble and then once it comes into focus, the words unscramble. You have before you pure imperfection, the most basic requirement for humanity. You just summarized the entire human thought process and at first, called it; insanity.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Say a Prayer

What are you running from, you sit there in the dirt when you could have a kingdom. How did you get here,  Somewhere along the line it was all speed and you forgot to steer. Your life isn’t finished yet, your just flinching at every fear and fret. Life has you shell-shocked, one too many close calls has your life dead-locked. It looks hopeless, or it least it might if you weren’t also sightless. But through all that you can still say a prayer, getting on your knees isn’t an issue, your already there. Close your eyes and speak his name, I promise you things will never be the same. It’s okay to be sincere, your no longer vunerable here. Just close your eyes and accept his light, once your eyes open you’ll also have your sight.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Decisions. Time. Life.

           Random thought. Some people say I’m real, and some say I'm reinventing the wheel ;) haa, but enough of the non-sense let me tell u just how I feel. I’m __yrs old and if I played poker I would never fold, u can’t believe everything you’ve been told because when it comes down to it you blew it! you look back at your life wonderin why Oh why did I make that mistake and why did I act so fake, I only brought the punishment upon myself with my inconsistent desire to achieve the greatness I never attained, but instead I was lazy as I walked through this journey all foggy and hazy tryin to figure out where I’m gonna be when I’m eighty! The truth is you can’t figure out life; you’ll never be perfect and I guarantee you will never be satisfied with the uneducated decisions you’ve made throughout your humble existence. You want to make a difference? All you can do is focus on the now! It’s the present moment, this very second, that really matters. It’s the small tiny pixels that make up the huge screen that you look at, it’s the milliseconds that make up the seconds, and the seconds that make up the minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades, century’s, and millenniums. It’s the small seemingly insignificant choices you make every second of every day that will begin to create you, and shape the life you lead. Eat junk food for a day; you will add a few extra unhealthy calories to your body. Eat junk food for a month you’ll gain 5lbs, eat it for a year you’ll gain 30lbs, for 5 years you’ll gain 150lbs! (Depending on exercise habits lol) Then when your 35 years old you look back at a picture of you when you where 21 and say “WOW I sure have gotten fat!”                   This example might be a little humorous, but the truth is we make too many simple choices everyday without even thinking about the consequences of our actions in the present or future. Think. Think. Think.
Think before you make any decision, how it will affect you and your life, and for that matter your friends and family. Figure out a goal and stay focused on it. Discipline. Focus. Determination. GOD.

Discipline Over Momentum

How do you feel when you blow off your ambition, are you fulfilled or do you feel like life is just a rendition. You’re just a big abstention; every prison is full of good intentions. You can’t look back at every time you tried, you never got enough momentum and it just died. Maybe momentum was just half the battle, you aren’t tired enough of just being another one of the cattle. Turn off the thinking you call rational; quit the phenomenon that’s gone international. Get your head out of the sand and realize this life of flavor has gone bland. This isn’t what you need, that’s not you talking, it’s greed. You can’t solve your problems by crying, it’s a process and it goes beyond trying. You put the goal out of your mind and before too long you’ll find a happiness of a different kind. It’s the stuff that makes life feel worthwhile; you’ll want life more than the latest style. Don’t look at your feet, hold your head tall, but don’t look too far, you’ll miss the brick wall. If you hit objection then you’re going in the right direction. Take life one day at a time, life isn’t a soap-box race, it’s a climb. Momentum was never your worry; throw yourself down a mountain and you’ll gain it in a hurry, your focus on discipline had become a bit blurry. It’s called endurance, and up on the mountain you won’t have much assurance. Condition your mind and don’t let yourself become blind. You’ll feel better with every inch you take, but don’t stop and rest, there’s a lot at stake. I know the rough edges can get old, but imagine this climb without a handhold. If it was smooth as glass it wouldn’t hurt so much, but how far could you get without a sense of touch. Just one final push, one final strain. It seems so pointless at times but think what you’ll gain. It all started with a thought, and look what it all brought. It opened up like a fountain, and now you’re climbing a mountain.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Names in History

"You never thought of the cause, you never even took a pause. It wasn't in you to ask what for, when deep inside you knew and were out the door. You traded the pen for a rifle and let go of all the problems and minor trifle. You followed a call and did it for all those who saw the same thing you did but simply stood in awe. You did it for the supporter and the nosey reporter who's words would slander you and even those who wouldn't even dare take a gander at you for fear they would see in your eyes the look they had seen before in the soldier that dies. But you went, even after you looked in the mirror and even after you saw yourself shed a tear. You wanted to do more and a week later you deployed. You missed your wife and little girl, she was only a month, too young to swing and whirl. She didn't even know you yet, but she was gonna look just like her mom, you bet. She didn't even know your face, but you knew you had to be in this place. You went into battle, from all directions it came, the rumble and rattle. You never saw it coming, you just took off running. Your buddies were pinned, and when they saw you come they grinned. They knew you were one of the best, and this battle had been the ultimate test. You never could have known this would be the time, it shouldn't have been, you commited no crime. But it came and it just so happened a bullet had your name. Your story doesn't end there, and your girl is safe at home with her Teddy bear. She has her daddies story to tell, she never knew you but maybe it's just as well. You won't be coming home, but really you already are home. We cried, when we honored all those that died. Your name was there this time, and we just always thought we had more time. We will never forget you, we'll tell stories about you and every Memorial day we'll honor you. Your name is a part of this nation, and not just the location. Your in the story. Your part of the history."

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Birds Of A Feather

Ever wonder why when you see a group of birds that they only fellowship the same breed of birds?
How come pigeons, ducks, & blue jays don’t all hangout and fly around together?
The simple fact is that birds of a feather flock together. It’s a simple truth that everybody probably already knows, but this simple truth is easily applied to the life of a human being. Think of us as birds, if you’re a duck you’re not going to be flying around with a crow or a bald eagle. You would be hanging at the pond with your fellow ducks!
Take a second to reflect on your life. Who do hangout with? Are your close friends a positive influence on you?  You must take these questions into account because if you surround yourself with people who you don’t want to be like you are in for a rude awakening. Maybe at first you may notice any changes , but over time you will began to develop the same habits and characteristics as your close friends. Eventually you will start to walk, talk, and act like them.  The difference between us and a bird is that we can actually choose what kind of bird we want to be!
Choose your friends wisely; hang around people you admire and respect. People that you know will influence you in a positive way. It’s your life and you only have one! Make the right choices.
“If you walk like a duck, quack like a duck, then you’re probably a duck.” –Tim Grayson

Friday, May 27, 2011

Don't Give Up

Sometimes life gets you down and you just feel like you can’t go on. The mail box is full bills that you simply cannot afford to pay, your friends let you down and your family pushes you away! You’re lucky to have a job because it seems as though your boss is looking for any excuse to fire you.
In life there are always ups and downs, sometimes we fly high on cloud nine and other times we fall flat on our face as nothing seems to go our way. We look in the mirror and wonder; how did I even make it this far?
As bad as things may seem to be in your life I promise you that they can always be a whole lot worse than they already are! There is always somebody with a worse situation.

So don’t give up and don’t back down,
The storm always gets worse before it gets better,
You have to learn that there wouldn’t be a mountain top, if there wasn’t a valley,
It’s the trials in life that make us who we are,
You wouldn’t appreciate the good times, if there weren’t any bad times,
Life is a learning process,
It takes patience and discipline to be successful,
So don’t fear the unknown future or the burdened past,
Just keep your head up high
Don’t fret don’t cry just look up to the sky and realize you’re not alone in the world,
There’s always that other guy”,


Words of Wisdom

Words of wisdom; what is wisdom? King Solomon said:
"The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge."
 Knowledge is power, and will equip you to be successful in life!
"Through wisdom a house is built; by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all rare and beautiful treasure. Wisdom is too high for a fool: He doesn't open his mouth in the gate. A wise man has great power; and a knowledgeable man increases strength; for by wise guidance you wage your war; and victory is in many advisors."

The Midst of it All

You feel the crack and you feel the strain. No matter what you do you just can’t hide the pain. It won’t go away and it just seems theres no way you can stay.
But there is no out. Your stuck to weep and doubt.
The pressure comes from all directions, you can’t even look in the mirror without fearing the reflection.
What is there that will remain, when the it all comes down and your to blame.
You keep worlds apart and you stand between the walls when they begin to close in. You feel lost in the midst of it all and your head begins to spin.
Stand, that’s what it comes down to. When it’s all said and done you did what you had to do.
You hold it all together. The pillar gets no recognition but it does it’s duty despite the wind and weather.
Without you the whole thing would crumble, so keep doing what you do and watch your step, don’t stumble.
It’s a work in progress, even though now it may look like a mess.
So stand tall and stay strong, with you in the middle it can’t go wrong.
You hold it all together, it won’t be this way forever.
Stay sensitive and don’t lose face, this is your time and this is your place.
When you come out of the fire you’ll be pure and strong, even though now it just feels all wrong.
You can do this. You can beat this. You can overcome this. You’re here for a reason, right now, for this season. Whatever the case, just never forget your place. You’re the pillar.

From Hopes Perspective

Everything has changed again, it seems like happiness never stays. The friends are gone and the good times are back in those days. Stop looking back, happiness isn’t gone. If you’d just look up you’ll see a brand new dawn. Just don’t chase it, you can’t catch the sun. Just enjoy these times before this sunset is done.

What do you do when all is wrong. Do you give up or do you keep going strong. If you can complain you can still find strength to strain. So don't stop when nothing is left, your just that much stronger without the heft. Head held high despite the weight, once you drop it, it's already too late.

The ocean is wide and the waves are strong. You can't deny that the nights are long. But when the sun comes up, you can't say that the tide didn't move you along. One more second, one more night. It's just so vast, no direction seems right. Don't always trust your head, sometimes all you can do is go straight ahead.

Welcome to Rhythmic Wisdom

Hello everybody. Welcome to the official Rhythmic Wisdom - Food For Thought blog. Our mission here is to simply brighten up your day or provide insight into your situation through rhyme and reason. We don't pretend to know the answer to the worlds problems or yours (Or even ours for that matter) but we do hope we can just make things a little bit clearer through the feeling we put behind our poetry and rhymes. Our rhymes will hopefully make you think, make you smile, help you understand, or possibly even shed a tear. We are not scholars or professional writers. We just love to write and rhyme and provide some insight. So tune in often and feel free to provide us with some suggestions or positive motivation at