Thursday, October 20, 2011

Empty Living

You've been waiting on perfection, just have to change your perception. It's not about what you see but what you know that's the key. Not wanting to miss the boat yet wanting build your own not knowing if it'll float, it's a hopeless feeling that doesn't seem to end and eventually everything begins to blend and the double lives you started with turns into a tangled mess with a million frayed ends that you'll never be able to mend. On the one hand you don't know where to start with your ambitions, everything seems like more auditions and a million renditions of why it won't work. Restlessness is the result of running from a calling not the circumstance with which your always brawling. Everybody has dreams and everybody has something they're called to do, the emptiness comes when the two don't fit and you knew. Not everybody can follow a dream and pursue a calling, the ones who can't and try, those are the people you see crawling, always complaining about the constant falling. True fulfillment comes when your desire lines up with the will for your life, it'll keep you away from a life of pain rife with strife. Submitting now is better than waiting til later when it's fifteen years later and your still the same waiter, or worse, the empty glass still waiting to be filled.

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