Friday, March 16, 2012

Human Nature

I once heard it said that all men are basically good, this saying I never quite understood. The thought has good intentions but I find the message rather pretentious. If men are basically good then why is it so hard to do what's right? Shouldn't it be much easier, why the constant fight? Is it truly about mans intentions? Or are there conditions? Is man good because of what he has never been? Or as good as he can hide his sin? The truth is; the heart of man is as dark as night. That's why there's such a struggle to do what's right. Human nature tells us what to do, and we follow without ever thinking it through. This is why we need to adopt God's nature, we can only do this by becoming a brand new creature. Where has your nature gotten you on your own? How long before your cover is blown?

Friday, January 13, 2012


Walk this world and you'll see beauty of creation; countless wonders in every nation. Even in a world filled with sin, Gods glorious intention still shines through. Just like in his greatest creation; you. But look closer and you'll see the corruption, it spreads every day without heeding anything short of a heavenly disruption. Through the confusion of the enemy that's how the world sees the church and they try and find fulfillment on a never ending search. When looking from the outside it's made up of liers, thieves, hypocrites and deceivers. Get down to it and once they were but now they're believers. It looks like human imperfection, it's the same journey; different direction. Imperfection was never meant to be, we were designed to be free and live to see the purpose of our creation through a Godly relation. Come get the salvation the enemy you think stole, and become pure without spot or wrinkle.